Thursday, 31 May 2018
The gardeners are here at the moment - they get here at about 8.15am so I am normally in bed - and then I get up and go and chat to Chloe - don't know if she minds or not, but I enjoy chatting to her! I do feel a bit guilty though, chatting away whilst she works on the garden and I stand there with a coffee! I am going to go to the yoga session that she goes to next tuesday...she is lovely and slim though and I'm a fatty - hope she doesn't see me in my lycra and think - wow - didn't realise she was such a chubster! lol....although that implies that she hasn't already noticed.... I don't mind that really lol....lost a tiny bit more weight - I am almost at 10lb - and not immediately after a run! I always like to weigh myself just after a run as it is a chance to see the scales showing a bit less. Obviously after I have drank water though it goes back on!
Tonight we are going out to celebrate being in the house for a year. Andy won't get back until about he is going to come in , get changed then we are going to head straight into Taunton.
It is strange to think that we have been here a year - it has gone so quickly! We have done a lot though....we have - demolished the semi-kitchen in the annex and rebuilt a new one - including plastering all the walls and ceiling and putting a new (lino which I hate) floor. We have taken down a wall and made two small offices into an amazing bathroom, we have installed a huge main kitchen - also including the floor and ceiling work, we have removed all the woodchip, plastered and decorated our bedroom, we have removed all the fire exit signs and door closers (sounds trivial - but quite a big job!), we have put new lighting, and shelves (which I made) in the games room - (but not decorated)...errrr......put curtains and curtain rails up in various places....oh yeah....taken out 4 toilets, 3 sinks and cubicles out of will-be annex living room and removed the toilet and 2 sinks and loads of asbestos out of the will-be annex bathroom, removed urinals and a sink and turned it into a utility room, created a gym in one of the rooms....running out of things now.....oh....we got a hot water boiler installed and now run hot water around the house....
Quite a bit really - in a year from now I am hoping we have done the following....
Sort out the annex bathroom, bedroom, living room and dining room...decorated our living room...sorted out all the floor in the hallway, decorated the spare room, get a new carpet/flooring in the games room...
I'll update you in a year! lol.
So today....I might do more wallpaper stripping in the annex bedroom - and do another gym session - and get showered and ready to go out later.
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
1 hour gym session in 10 seconds
You'll have to copy and paste this to see it. It's not very good....too fast....but my 1st attempt!
Yesterday - Andy was working from home - and I planned on a few things I didn't get a round to doing. In fact what I did do, was so exciting that I can't even remember what it was. I remember changing the cat litter, doing some washing, I repotted some house plants. yeah...i had such an exciting day!
I went into the gym and on the running machine. i managed 2.8km. I am not sure now whether I am using my hip as an excuse to bail....or if I am bailing because the pain in my hip is just so ANNOYING! Probably both...
We had another hello Fresh meal - Zanzibar Chicken curry - it was really nice again! Then we watched TV for a while and went to bed.
Today - is ONE YEAR since we moved into our awesome house! We both thought it was 31st May - not 30th, so we planned on going out tomorrow night and celebrating! We will still do this because Andy isn't here today anyway! So...I am on my own for our houseaversary but we will make up for that tomorrow.
I have spent some time stripping wallpaper in the annex bedroom. I went to pick up the replacement tiles for the back porch - and they are still not the same size as the black ones, so I think I am going to have to get white tiles and cut them down myself! Not the best plan....
Now - I need to make a decision - go back to stripping wallpaper or get ready and go into the gym. I decided that I would run 1km - then do something else in the gym - then do another 1km - then do something else, until I have done 5km. I said this to Lissa on messenger and she has sent me a bit of a circuit to do - so I will do the one she wrote as there are a few things I probably would not have chosen myself, so it means I'll do something a bit different (thanks Lissa!).
Just for fun - I might set up my phone and record a time lapse thingy....we'll see I have other things I need to do with my phone - such as set up my SHFT which analyses my run....hmmmm.....maybe i'll get my go-pro out and set that up! lol
Yesterday - Andy was working from home - and I planned on a few things I didn't get a round to doing. In fact what I did do, was so exciting that I can't even remember what it was. I remember changing the cat litter, doing some washing, I repotted some house plants. yeah...i had such an exciting day!
I went into the gym and on the running machine. i managed 2.8km. I am not sure now whether I am using my hip as an excuse to bail....or if I am bailing because the pain in my hip is just so ANNOYING! Probably both...
We had another hello Fresh meal - Zanzibar Chicken curry - it was really nice again! Then we watched TV for a while and went to bed.
Today - is ONE YEAR since we moved into our awesome house! We both thought it was 31st May - not 30th, so we planned on going out tomorrow night and celebrating! We will still do this because Andy isn't here today anyway! So...I am on my own for our houseaversary but we will make up for that tomorrow.
I have spent some time stripping wallpaper in the annex bedroom. I went to pick up the replacement tiles for the back porch - and they are still not the same size as the black ones, so I think I am going to have to get white tiles and cut them down myself! Not the best plan....
Now - I need to make a decision - go back to stripping wallpaper or get ready and go into the gym. I decided that I would run 1km - then do something else in the gym - then do another 1km - then do something else, until I have done 5km. I said this to Lissa on messenger and she has sent me a bit of a circuit to do - so I will do the one she wrote as there are a few things I probably would not have chosen myself, so it means I'll do something a bit different (thanks Lissa!).
Just for fun - I might set up my phone and record a time lapse thingy....we'll see I have other things I need to do with my phone - such as set up my SHFT which analyses my run....hmmmm.....maybe i'll get my go-pro out and set that up! lol
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
bank holiday weekend
Saturday - was the laziest day we have had in a long time. We sat down in the living room - and watched old films and played games on our computer/laptop and basically did nothing. I really enjoyed it :-)
At 5pm Aston Villa - who Andy has supported all his life were playing in the final - their only chance of going back up into the premier league. Andy was very loud and animated during the game - something I hate as he properly shouts and gets angry! Fulham who they were playing were resorted to dirty tactics apparently....anyway they lost. The rest of the night was pretty crap as Andy was so gutted.....
Sunday....we went out into the garden and had some lunch from the BBQ....but we didn't stay out - we came back in and was as lazy as we had been the day before!
Monday - again we decided we could not be bothered to go out and do anything so we lazed around AGAIN! lol. I did go in the gym though and do some stuff - including a bit of running. In the evening....even though this was the night before Andy had to go to work....we got rather drunk - played pool - listened to loud music - sang lots to Queen lol. We had a really good night
I am now feeling quite hung over......
At 5pm Aston Villa - who Andy has supported all his life were playing in the final - their only chance of going back up into the premier league. Andy was very loud and animated during the game - something I hate as he properly shouts and gets angry! Fulham who they were playing were resorted to dirty tactics apparently....anyway they lost. The rest of the night was pretty crap as Andy was so gutted.....
Sunday....we went out into the garden and had some lunch from the BBQ....but we didn't stay out - we came back in and was as lazy as we had been the day before!
Monday - again we decided we could not be bothered to go out and do anything so we lazed around AGAIN! lol. I did go in the gym though and do some stuff - including a bit of running. In the evening....even though this was the night before Andy had to go to work....we got rather drunk - played pool - listened to loud music - sang lots to Queen lol. We had a really good night
I am now feeling quite hung over......
Friday, 25 May 2018
It is Friday morning and I am rather hungover. Last night was the first time in ages I couldn't get to sleep because the room was spinning...not to the extreme...but bad enough to be awful, and now I feel yukky.
Last night Andy got back after being away the previous night and Paul and Zack came around - because Zack is doing some work experience with Andy. We played pool and had some drinks and me, Paul and Zack didn't go to bed until 3am. Didn't feel drunk at all until I went to bed!
Yesterday....I decided to start sanding the floorboards in the hall. Didn't get very is not easy and I decided that I need to hire a proper big sander, which I wanted to avoid....but this took me ages:
I went and picked up the new boards for the part of the floor that just has big pieces of board....
I then did a 45 minute yoga class - from youtube, on the recommendation of the was alright I spose, but I used to working hard when I go in the this was a bit meh.... I ran 3km on running machine afterwards!
It was after this that Paul and Zack came around....leaving me, as I said, feeling rough rough rough...blurrggggggggg
So - dunno what I am gonna do today - cant do the tiles, cos need new tiles, can't do the boards because I need a sander....I have the annex bedroom which - I am not even halfway through - getting the wallpaper off, but I don't want to get into that today...Paul is working from home - well...our home....and Zack is with Andy are in the basement. Andy has taken Zacks work experience seriously and plans on properly educating him which is really good. So, I'm just going to have a lazy day I think unless me and Paul think of something to do (he hasn't got much work to get through apparently)....
So...I'll update you later.
Feel ick
Well....I put shelves up in the gym! I had to saw the wood down and get the brackets on the walls - something that was not really a challenge - but a year ago I would have stressed over lol. Makes a difference in the gym - the shelves are in a recess, so they look quite good. Pleased I did it.
We had another Hello Fresh meal in the evening - it had aubergine in it - which I thought I didn't like - and other stuff I thought seemed a bit dodgy - it was a pasta meal and it was so good!! Not had one we don't like yet - even when we think we are not going to like it!
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Wednesday 23 May 2018
So....yesterday - in addition to the meatball meal, cake and hotdog I ate, I went on to eat so many of the cakes that I got from Ikea.... Yesterday I didn't do any exercise, and I did no work on the house. I started to feel pretty crap about myself. When I went to bed, I decided that I was going to have a think about what I wanted to do and how I was going to change. I decided that this morning, I would email about the floorboards, and call about getting a quote just for 1st fix on the bathroom and the radiators done (as the whole quote was too much), and I was going to work on the tiles in the back porch - because I am able to do that. I also decided to write down a circuit training plan incorporating all the exercises and stretches I need to do to get my hip/butt/calves right for running. I have also decided to start calorie counting again.
So - I have emailed/called, I have written down my circuit training plan...and I have started to do the tiles. I am currently having a break because its not easy! I'm on my hands and knees not only trying to get broken tiles out but trying to get the little bits of grout out because the new tiles are not fitting in the gaps! Its doing my head in - there is going to be soooo much prep work before I can even start thinking of putting the new tiles in. I've already broken or chipped some original tiles that were okay and now will need replacing. This is how I have left it....
The ground is uneven too - and some of the new tiles are going to stick up - so I'll have to try and chip away some concrete underneath. The worse thing though is definitely that the tiles wont actually fit in....and I might have to get the wet cutter out and try and take just 1mm off - can't imagine that going well. If I fill the holes you can see in the pic, with the new tiles - they don't fit stick up all over the place - and look awful. I can't leave em like that so i have my work cut out!
Meanwhile, I let the kittens outside and after a while thought that I'd not seen them for a bit...went and looked and found the big silver cat (a neighbours cat) around the bottom of a tree with both kittens up it...and both my big cats hiding in the long silver cat is ruling all four of my cats! I obviously saved them all....hoping that May - the black and white kitten is going to grow the biggest and kick its ass!!
So, I'm going to finish my coffee and get back on with the tiles. I just need to keep chipping away (literally) until I get it right. I am resisting the urge to just get the new tiles in - I am a very impatient person - so it is difficult to resist that urge!
See you later......
So...I now know why I'm having such a nightmare with the tiles! The white ones are about 1mm bigger than the black ones!
This might be a small difference - but makes ALL the difference when it comes to getting them to fit!!!!
I called the guy at the tile shop and he said...Oh, I've never heard of that before! Well, I'm not lying...or stupid! I felt I had to convince him that it was true! They will replace them...but in a week!! GGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Tuesday 22nd May 2018
My plan was to meet Yvonne today in Exeter - I lazed about a bit in the morning - then ended up rushing like mad to get a shower and get ready!
We met at the new Ikea...I asked Andy if there was anything he wanted - we both could not think of anything, but I knew I'd come back with something! We met in the restaurant - and I had meatballs and chips and cheesecake! lol - it was yummy!! When I arrived all I could think about was meatballs and hotdogs!! There was a guy sat near us who left 2 meatballs! Who even does that!!
Its always nice to see Yvonne - we get on so well - even though she joked again about not liking my blog lol.
Yvonne is seen below - modelling the small set of tables and chairs which will be perfect for the annex dining room - once we have sorted it out!
We had a nice chat and walk around Ikea. Yvonne was telling me that's she is back on track for the gastric bypass....she had to lose about 9kg before seeing the consultant - she did it and got the okay. She then went straight to Mac donalds drive through!! She pointed out a very small bowl and said - I'll only be able to eat an amount of food that would fit in this bowl. I said...well next time we come it'll be cheap can just have one of my meat balls - she said, oh I don't know if I could manage a full one! I said good I didn't wanna give you a full one any way!!
Yvonne is seen below - modelling the small set of tables and chairs which will be perfect for the annex dining room - once we have sorted it out!
We had a nice chat and walk around Ikea. Yvonne was telling me that's she is back on track for the gastric bypass....she had to lose about 9kg before seeing the consultant - she did it and got the okay. She then went straight to Mac donalds drive through!! She pointed out a very small bowl and said - I'll only be able to eat an amount of food that would fit in this bowl. I said...well next time we come it'll be cheap can just have one of my meat balls - she said, oh I don't know if I could manage a full one! I said good I didn't wanna give you a full one any way!!
Anyway....I could have bought lots of stuff....I did actually buy lots of stuff but I could have bought more!! I got some knives and forks, wooden forks, little vase, 3 rugs (hall runners), 2 washing up brushes...and cake, and meatballs, and more cake! Then - after all the meatballs and everything I had eaten when we met - I had a hotdog on my way out!
When I got home and put the hall runners down - I realised that they look a lot smaller than they did in the shop! They will probably look good when the floor underneath has been sorted out - and we might need another one....I don't think Andy was too impressed with them!
So, I'm now sat in the garden with a G&T....
When I got home and put the hall runners down - I realised that they look a lot smaller than they did in the shop! They will probably look good when the floor underneath has been sorted out - and we might need another one....I don't think Andy was too impressed with them!
So, I'm now sat in the garden with a G&T....
Monday, 21 May 2018
Monday 21st May 2018
So - had physio appointment this morning because of my hip. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to explain exactly what was wrong and where the pain was and so forth - but she was brilliant and able to see what the problem was by getting me to do certain movements etc. Most of the problem seems to come from my calves! I always end up with problems in my calves. I did my back in earlier in the year and the osteopath mentioned my calves. Apparently the lower calf is so tight - that it will have a knock-on effect up my body! Now I know why I can't do proper squats! lol. Also, she reckons that when I did my back in - my body started to use different muscles to compensate. If I stand on my left leg and lift the other one up I'm fine - the other way around however, I stick my hip out because the muscles are not working properly. So when I run - I am doing a similar thing! So - I have exercises to do and I HAVE to stretch my lower calf muscles out. If this is not possible I need to see a podiatrist for inserts into my shoes - to lift my heel.
So happy that I now know what the problem is AND I can carry on running - just shorter distances and on the flat. If I am in pain I am not actually doing any damage or making it worse. So - although I don't want to be in pain - I should still be able to do the 10k race i have coming up on 10th June!!
I have had such good experiences with osteopaths and physio's this year - it makes such a difference having somebody who knows what they are doing, tell you whats going on with your own body! I am going every time I have any soon as you know that you can do something about it - its great! If it means I can carry on running and get less injuries - its awesome!
S'anyway....I've drawn out all the lines on the boards to show where the new floor boards are gonna go...trying to work out what I need to buy and in what lengths - a lot more complicated than it sounds! I also took up one of the boards just to have a look at the joists and make sure there were no bodies and anything else unexpected under was fine lol.
So I think I'll email the woman at the timber place and just give her all the measurements and see what she can do! Nervous/excited about laying a floor on my own by myself!
Meeting Yvonne for lunch tomorrow - spoke on facebook - told her I was writing a blog again and told her that I read back to 2010/2011 and that she had slagged me off for writing a blog - when I didn't exactly lead an exciting life! lol. She remembered it well - said "I remember you being so mad at me about that!" and I'm glad lol...but she didn't take it back or anything hehehe
It's not like I mind - if the people around me don't read it then it means I can be honest about what I say and not worry about what people might think!
So...Its now 4pm and I am going to get changed and go for a run on my running machine (after doing the exercises given to me by the physio!) and I am going to try my SHFT again.
Catch up...
I am trying my best to remember what I did on Friday....Andy was working....
Oh - I went and picked up the replacement tiles for the victorian porch -a nd spoke again about the wood I need for the hall....came back and dug some broken tiles out....I didn't have an exciting day!
Saturday....was a really nice day again - and me and Andy spent most of it in the garden and waiting for helen and Paul to come around. We found some tent pegs and got the tent properly up...we got out a game that he got me for my birthday and set that up - got some bbq food...I put some weed killer/lawn food down - on a section to see if it made a difference (it turned the grass black - which is supposed to be temporary!).
Helen, Paul and Eloise got to our at about 4pm - and we generally chatted....sat in the garden....Andy and Paul were hitting golf balls into a net, but me and Helen always seem to find a million things to chat about!
Eventually - not until about 7pm - we made some food! Then we came in and played pool, listened to music, drank! Had a jolly good time as we always do - before crashing!
Sunday - Helen and paul got off quite early - and me and Andy decided to go for a walk down netherclay - there is about 22 acres (could be more) with pathways, and the river tone - and lots of trees and it is really nice to walk around. I went running there a week or so ago, and was amazed that we had that just 3 minutes away - so i wanted to show Andy. We had a really nice walk - and then decided to carry on - went down towards Longmead where they do the parkrun - and we ended up out walking for about 2.5 hours! did about 16,000 steps! My hip was quite painful after a while though....
We came back - played cards in the garden and did another bbq - before coming in, watching a film - and getting to bed quite early!!
A good weekend! :-)
I am trying my best to remember what I did on Friday....Andy was working....
Oh - I went and picked up the replacement tiles for the victorian porch -a nd spoke again about the wood I need for the hall....came back and dug some broken tiles out....I didn't have an exciting day!
Saturday....was a really nice day again - and me and Andy spent most of it in the garden and waiting for helen and Paul to come around. We found some tent pegs and got the tent properly up...we got out a game that he got me for my birthday and set that up - got some bbq food...I put some weed killer/lawn food down - on a section to see if it made a difference (it turned the grass black - which is supposed to be temporary!).
Helen, Paul and Eloise got to our at about 4pm - and we generally chatted....sat in the garden....Andy and Paul were hitting golf balls into a net, but me and Helen always seem to find a million things to chat about!
Eventually - not until about 7pm - we made some food! Then we came in and played pool, listened to music, drank! Had a jolly good time as we always do - before crashing!
Sunday - Helen and paul got off quite early - and me and Andy decided to go for a walk down netherclay - there is about 22 acres (could be more) with pathways, and the river tone - and lots of trees and it is really nice to walk around. I went running there a week or so ago, and was amazed that we had that just 3 minutes away - so i wanted to show Andy. We had a really nice walk - and then decided to carry on - went down towards Longmead where they do the parkrun - and we ended up out walking for about 2.5 hours! did about 16,000 steps! My hip was quite painful after a while though....
We came back - played cards in the garden and did another bbq - before coming in, watching a film - and getting to bed quite early!!
A good weekend! :-)
Friday, 18 May 2018
This morning - despite my sore hip that means I cannot run properly - I tried out my new gadget - the SHFT. Took me a while to get kitted up! with my polar watch and chest strap, my new polar foot pod, the SHFT chest strap and the SHFT foot pod, get everything synched, got my app on the phone ready (already wearing my new trainers!) and off I went - just up and down my road (its 1/2km from my house to the top of the road)...I expected to be out for about 20 minutes. The app - gave me a warm up - and 3 lots of 6 minute runs...I ended up running 4.3km. The app was telling me in my ear that it was analysing me - then told me that my foot was spending too long in contact with the floor. I then had to run trying to improve this! I didn't know how to do that! lol. I was trying to take baby steps - and then just trying to run faster! Was really frustrating though because it was just painful to run - so my stride and everything is probably different to when I am not in pain. Anyway afterwards I could see all sorts of info about my running! I know that I am not a heel striker! I land neutral/midfoot which is supposed to be the best way to land. I know my stride length, how long I am in the air - my body bounce, step length, brake effect - lots of things that mean nothing to me atm, but it means I can find out! and once I get my contact with the floor reduced, the app will help me work on something else to improve my running! JUST NEED TO BE ABLE TO RUN! So, I am very pleased with that! My trainers were good too - although I think they will be better when I have broken them in a bit!
Our plan today - as Andy was off work - was to spend the day in the garden and play games and have a BBQ...but it wasn't quite warm enough! So I ended up cutting the grass again...(ended up doing 20,000 steps today!). Then Andy got out our huge tent and we put that up - we wanted to see if we had wrecked it, because last time we put it away it was raining and we never got it out again to let it dry. Anyway - it was fine! It brought back memories of when we used it last which was years ago, when the kids were younger. The things I remember about that holiday was Adam was sleep walking/talking, and freaked the twins out - me and Andy had joined Helen and Paul in their caravan and I got a call from Lissa. She was freaking out saying Adam is being weird!! When we got there, Adam was gesturing towards his room in the tents demanding to know what colour the invisible pipes were! He then threw up! I also remember cooking sausages and stuff and watching huge black clouds coming towards us - we just managed to get it cooked and run inside the tent with the food when we ended up in the middle of a massive thunder storm! It was quite scary and apparently lightening hit a tree in the field we were in. We played lots of games too - got the kids running an assault course carrying a cup of water...I also remember us getting chinese take-out and eating that at a table inside the tent - and we taught the kids how to play poker and Connor thrashed us all!
So - the tent is fine - but we can't find the tent pegs.
It had got nice and warm after about 4pm so we stayed in the garden, having a drink, playing cards and chatting! Twas much fun!!
We then came inside - got take-out AGAIN! and watched TV - until I fell asleep about 10.30! so we got an early night!
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
So...I'm now another year older. Can not believe that I am actually 47 😒.
Last night Paul was here as he had a conference today in Taunton - and Andy didn't get home until about 9pm....but we sat and had a really good laugh, a few drinks and take-out! So that was really nice.
This morning - I got up and opened my presents off Helen and Paul that Paul had brought last night. I did extremely well!! I got a moisturizer, a bottle of rhubarb vodka, some bath bombs especially for runners (epsom salts) some weird bubble things in different flavours that you add to prosecco, and a cool hoody that says - I was normal 3 cats ago! hahaha!
Then I got some awesome pressies off Andy! I got a medal holder for running medals! I need to get some now! I got some really cute signs - one of which was so touching that I totally filled up!!
This was one of the really touching signs:
and this was the one that made me cry:
This made me emotional because Andy always tells me things like this! I love him so much!
This is for my medals:
I can't seem to turn it around!!
I Also got some rhubarb and ginger gin - the same one me and our Joanne managed to drink almost a whole bottle of in one night! A picture about running with different running termonology just as Grunpy - when you cant run because you are injured! lol. I am grunpy at the moment - especially because he got me this awesome gadget - where you have 2 pods - one goes on your foot and one on your chest and it analyses everything about your running and coaches you to improve things! Unfortunately however, one of the pods does not seem to be working and I've had to get in touch with the company - they have not replied yet...
He also got me a polar foot pod which will connect to my watch - which is very cool! I love seeing stats and stuff! I got a book about running too, with a load of different running workouts!
I got a pair of period knickers off Lissa hahahaha really made me laugh when I opened it - because this is what I told her I wanted when she asked me. I'm sure they will come in very handy!! lol
I got £20 off Andy's parents which is super sweet of them....
We then went to Running Needs and I got the latest version of the running shoes I have been wearing for the past 2-3 years. They are amazing!!! So - I have all this new running stuff and I can't go running because of my stupid hip!!!
When we got home I had a parcel off Lissa - it was Lush stuff off all 3 of the kids - it had been left in the porch and the porch smelled amazing when we got home lol. I love lush stuff! I also received a £25 Dunelm voucher - with no name on it - but I suspect it is off my mum and dad! I've put a post on facebook asking whoever sent it to let me know who they are! Don't wanna say to my mum - did you send me this - for her to say no.....
Another good but slightly worrying thing I got through the post was a cheque off Water 2 business (water rates) for £305! Problem is - we are not a business, and I told them that when we moved in - and we have only ever paid them £ they have sent me more money than I have ever paid them! this came with no explanation at all!
So - I now need to go get ready as we are going out - but I'm getting a super purry cuddle off Mercky....
Okay so I got ready - and we got a taxi into town - and had a few drinks - then went to The Skewer House - which was pretty awesome! Had awesome chicken on a skewer with sides of chips and hallumi - hollumi - omg cannot spell it! halloumi?
I ate way too much - but did stop myself finishing food that was just toooo much! We then went and had another couple of drinks:
We then got a taxi home and Andy beat me at pool because he is cruel! I think he did try and throw the games so I'd win - but I was too rubbish and drunked!! All in all I had an awesome day! A very happy birthday!
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Mon & Tues
Today - I went for my long run - 10km. I always tend to do this on a Monday. Today it was awful. I just couldn't run! The pain in my hip was too much - and the other hip started to bother me too. So - a lot of walking was involved. It all just pissed me off to be honest....I came home and made an appointment with a physiotherapist - can't get in until next Monday.... I am going to HAVE to stop running for a while. :-(
Then I mainly got jobs done! Went to the tip and got rid of all the carpet we pulled up over the weekend. I go to that tip SO often!!
I then went and found tiles we can use to replace broken ones in the back porch and found where I can get floorboards to replace the big pieces of board that have been put down in the hall.
I started to get up all the staples in the floor that had been pinning down the underlay....bored much? Then I started cleaning/scrubbing the tiles in the back porch - it is NOT easy trying to get them clean. WAKE UP!
That pretty much sums up Monday!
Well today started when I woke up at 6.11am. Way too early! I made a coffee and went back to bed and read my book for a bit (Your Best Stride) surprise surprise - its about improving your running!
Then - got up - cleaned a few more tiles and got more staples out of the hallway floor - now I am in the middle of getting up all the carpet gripper from around the sides. Then - I might try sanding a little bit of the floorboards - to see how it comes up.
Its my birthday tomorrow...yay - another year older (crying)....
I've just seen some pics from 3 years ago (2015). This was quite special - me and Andy were going out to the local Italian for a meal - and all the kids were going their separate out somewhere or another. Ended up just me and Andy - having a drink at home before we headed to the restaurant. When we got there all the kids were there waiting for me!! I don't know why but this is probably one of my most memorable birthdays! It was so awesome to see them all there - and so nice that they had all gone to the effort! We had such a good time too - had a proper laugh!! Ahhhh makes me miss them all so much looking at the pics!!
Here are a few pics:

We went back home and partied!!
Today - I went for my long run - 10km. I always tend to do this on a Monday. Today it was awful. I just couldn't run! The pain in my hip was too much - and the other hip started to bother me too. So - a lot of walking was involved. It all just pissed me off to be honest....I came home and made an appointment with a physiotherapist - can't get in until next Monday.... I am going to HAVE to stop running for a while. :-(
Then I mainly got jobs done! Went to the tip and got rid of all the carpet we pulled up over the weekend. I go to that tip SO often!!
I then went and found tiles we can use to replace broken ones in the back porch and found where I can get floorboards to replace the big pieces of board that have been put down in the hall.
I started to get up all the staples in the floor that had been pinning down the underlay....bored much? Then I started cleaning/scrubbing the tiles in the back porch - it is NOT easy trying to get them clean. WAKE UP!
That pretty much sums up Monday!
Well today started when I woke up at 6.11am. Way too early! I made a coffee and went back to bed and read my book for a bit (Your Best Stride) surprise surprise - its about improving your running!
Then - got up - cleaned a few more tiles and got more staples out of the hallway floor - now I am in the middle of getting up all the carpet gripper from around the sides. Then - I might try sanding a little bit of the floorboards - to see how it comes up.
Its my birthday tomorrow...yay - another year older (crying)....
I've just seen some pics from 3 years ago (2015). This was quite special - me and Andy were going out to the local Italian for a meal - and all the kids were going their separate out somewhere or another. Ended up just me and Andy - having a drink at home before we headed to the restaurant. When we got there all the kids were there waiting for me!! I don't know why but this is probably one of my most memorable birthdays! It was so awesome to see them all there - and so nice that they had all gone to the effort! We had such a good time too - had a proper laugh!! Ahhhh makes me miss them all so much looking at the pics!!
Here are a few pics:
We went back home and partied!!
There are a few video's that won't upload on here - try copy and pasted these links....
Connor laughing without smiling! Kills me everytime!
Kids singing
Monday, 14 May 2018
What lovely weather we are having! Great if you have naff-all to do - not so great if you want to run or work on the house!!
Yesterday - was a day we didn't have anything to do - but I thought I'd tidy up the back porch before we went into the garden! This led to pulling up the carpet tiles to expose the victorian black and white tiles underneath. We knew they were there but some are damaged so thought it would be better to leave them covered. However, now we have more time I should be able to repair or replace some of them.
Here you can see the awful carpet tiles which were on top of the tiles..
Carpet tiles up - cleaning was rather difficult - needs properly scrubbing - and some of the tiles are crumbling...
Then we made an awesome discovery - the tiles continued into the house....
So - we made the decision to pull all the carpet up in this section of the house - including on the three it went from looking like this:
To looking this this:
THEN - we decided to see what was underneath the carpet at the other end of the hall - and ended up doing this:
You can see in the pic above that there used to be a runner down the middle - also a floorboard was replaced with something modern and bright - and at the end near the stairs - there are just big ugly boards down - so we have some work ahead of us to get this looking good!!
So - our day doing naff-all in the sun - didn't really turn out that way!! We did end up in the sun later on and had a bit of a bbq!!
Sunday, 13 May 2018
Parkrun Saturday
Yet again I got up early to do the parkrun...quite surprised at myself for actually getting up early to do this on a Saturday!
So - got there as usual and hung around on my own waiting for the announcements and then the start - me and another woman realised we were both on our own so we started chatting - her name was Gemma. She seemed younger than me - and looked fit - like a runner! It was her first parkrun however...she had to hang back after the annoucements as it was her first one - and I went ahead. Off I went - struggling as usual! After a while Gemma appeared beside me and we started running together - but I couldn't keep up with her, so I stopped briefly. gemma however, didn't continue - she stayed with me - urging me to carry on! I did - and the rest of the run was with her - pushing me to keep going and speed up! God, it was hard!! The attempt at a a sprint at the end nearly killed me!!!
I had definitely beat my time - so I rang the bell and Gemma took a pic (which she sent to me later!):
I was soooo pleased...not only did I really like Gemma - but she really pushed me, and it felt great (afterwards that is!)
She said that we had ran an average of 6:15 per km....she also said - you need to bring that down! I was thinking - you're joking! my last best pace was 6:25 per km! Based on the average pace I thought that we must have ran it in about 31.15 - but unfortunately the official time was 31.54. However - still my best time EVER!
My big worry now - is that Gemma will be there again in 2 weeks - and we will meet up and run together - and I'm so scared!!! Her pace is much quicker than mine - and I don't want to slow her down!!
I even saw somebody from taunton running club afterwards and we had a nice chat walking back to the car - and I was so happy that I finally feel that I am getting to know some people!
Gemma texted afterwards too which was nice. So - now I need to train like crazy for the next 2 weeks to increase my pace!!
ANYWAY....after all this - I got a shower and me and Andy headed to the food festival in Taunton - which was really good! Watched a cookery display from the chef of the amazing Indian restaurant we've been to - apparently they do cookery lessons later in teh year - so I REALLY want to do that!
We bought, pork pie, scotch egg, cider, cheese, beer, cake - and had it later for tea! Was very good!
Played pool - watched the Eurovision song contest! lol...whilst messaging helen and paul who were watching too...there was a stage invasion during the UK song - which was rubbish anyway - and we came 3rd from the bottom as usual!! Israel won - it was a good one!
Friday, 11 May 2018
Friday already!!
well....if you read yesterday, you'd know that I was very nervous about joining a running club and was meeting for my first run with them last night. Well....I went and I did it! We met up in a car park and I introduced myself - there were 2 other Sam's....the people were really nice - but as always everybody already knows somebody. So I introduced myself and started chatting about how nervous I was - and I was reassured...then a woman came up and stood right in front of me effectively cutting me off from everybody! I know she didn't mean to do it...but I though ahh that makes it easy for me...not!
So we split into 2 groups (apparently Tuesday night is the main night - where there is about 10 different groups) we went. There were about 10 ppl in our group. Was quite good at first because we needed to cross roads so had to stop for traffic! Phew...bit of a rest! Then we headed away from the main town and into the greenery...and up a hill. I struggled with this hill and had to stop a few times (as did a few of the others). At the top there was a bench and we all stood and chatted for a little bit. I really liked this as I got to chat to people and we got a proper rest. A woman took a pic.....and I managed to pic it up from the Strava app....
So....I am on the bench with Michael (only male) and he is the organiser of it all I think, and next to him is another of the run leaders...she was really nice and reassured me a lot and ran with me for quite a while. I liked everybody I met... One brilliant thing - is that we ran in some gorgeous places with amazing views - through fields with cows (Lissa you would have loved that) and alongside water, over was just gorgeous. We ended up doing 8.23km - although at a very slow pace...well, the pace probably wasn't that slow - but stopping and chatting meant it took longer.
I wish I could duplicate this run - and it looks really simple in the above pic - but it wasn't!
So anyway....very pleased that I did it - and was able to add it to my YVSTY challenge - back at 30km ahead after a couple of easy days.
I was STARVING when I got back - and I had prepared most of the food - we were having the Asian pork meatballs from the Hello Fresh was amazing! So yummy!!! plan on finishing getting the curtains up in the four-poster guest room...and weeding in the front garden!! Exciting time eh? lol. Love it!
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Thursday 10th May 2018
I've just got in from a bit of a shopping spree. I bought....curtains, curtain pole, and timber to mount it on (for the guest-four-poster-bed room) I got four big planters, soil and plants to go in the front drive/carpark biscuits and a cat scratcher with catnip in it. Hence the cats are going bonkers right now!!
I am now eating a large sized pot noodle - because that's how I roll! Last time I had a pot noodle I went into Screwfix afterwards without realising I had pot noodle all over my chin! I've embarrassed myself in worse the time I had a whole piece of spaghetti covered in tomato sauce on my chin - the two ppl I was with didn't have the heart to tell me - so sat there all evening and they must have watched it dry and set solid to my chin. When I went to the loo and discovered it there I was horrified!! (this wasn't long after an operation on my jaw which left me with no feeling in my chin).
Guess I'm going to have to sort out the garden stuff rather than the curtains this afternoon - and I wont have time for both. At about 5pm, I have an appointment with my panic about the running club tonight!
Oh...last night Hello Fresh meal was awesome! Hope tonights is as nice.
This was last nights burger (pic from recipe)
This is tonights:
Hope I have the energy to cook it...after the dreaded run of an unknown distance at an unknown speed with unknown people!
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Wednesday 9th May 2018
Started the day getting a mouse off Murcky and setting it free. Then - getting a mouse off Bitsy, and feeling awful because it was alive but injured. Took it away from danger and left it to was breathing heavy and looked like it had a hurt leg. I came back to it and it had died. It is just so sad!! These poor little mice are minding their own business and get plucked out of their world by a cat - brought into the house - and then tortured by cats who see it only as a play thing!
Anyway....last night, online, I joined Taunton running club! So, tomorrow night I am going out running with them. No pressure!! Just have to not be shit! They split into groups and so this is the group that runs at my speed - but there is mention of not stopping at that pace. I might struggle.....
I also entered another 10km race...Helen sent me the link - it is in Totnes which I believe is near Helens - this one is 5th August. So I have one in about 3-4 weeks, 10th June, then one in August - and then there is one in Taunton on 30th September. Hope I get t-shirts! lol.
So - I went out for a run. I went down Netherclay - which is at the bottom of my road - there are public footpaths and its pretty cool. However, I would follow a path and come out at a field or somewhere I didn't know. So - ran 5.5km but there was a lot of stopping trying to figure out where I was! Looks simple on the map....
Okay - maybe it doesn't look that simple...but when you are there you don't know which way is which! I ended up running around the field that looks brown in the pic at the bottom left. Not where I thought I was! But I think I can figure it out! It is also a lot smaller than it seems - so I had to keep going around and about trying to get to 5km. The ground is a bit rough too....and I think I may have swallowed a fly or two....
Good news - my blister didn't hurt or get any worse - bad news - my hips is still bothering me!
So - got showered and ready and went off for an eye test. Basically he seemed to think I was fine to continue with off the shelf reading glasses and contact lenses...but said eventually I wont cope with these - and that's when I need to go back. Cool - no expensive prescription specs (for now).
Trying my first Hello Fresh recipe tonight - burgers again! Its not rocket science - just the ingredients and a recipe. But its convenient and means I don't have to try and think of what to do and go out shopping!
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Tuesday 8th May 2018
Good morning!
Well that was a fun bank holiday weekend!!
Ended up having such a good day yesterday! Me and Andy just chatted and drank! Didn't get wasted or anything - but had enough to be quite happy! Stayed in the garden for ages - didn't even get around to putting the BBQ on - too busy having a laugh!
Eventually we came back in at about 8pm and ended up getting take out! We need to sort that out! Should have a delivery today - its Hello Fresh - so we get all the ingredients and recipes for 3 meals. Got it at half price which was £17ish. So at full price a bit too expensive I think! Unless it is totally awesome...but I'm not expecting much. But - we would spend that on one take-out and if it stops us getting take-outs and it gives us variety...we'll see!
Took me quite a while today to clear us the weekends mess - loads of stuff in the garden - around the bar - in the living room after the take-out. But its all done now! I have a choice today - could go to the tip and get rid of the asbestos and the rest of the crap in the car. Or - I could strip wall paper - or - I could have an easy day!
I NEED TO START STICKING TO MY DIET I am fed up of going up and down and up and my weight loss since january - which is quite a long time ago now - is 8lb. It has been 11lb - then back down again. With all the running I am doing, I could be quite successful if I could behave myself as far as food and alcohol is concerned!
Oh - I have entered a 10km race...10th June 2018. I got nervous pangs just typing that! It's silly because I know I can run 10km. But I need to get some more training in for it. At the moment I'm struggling with a bad blister on my foot and need to let it heal a bit. I didn't run over the last few days - but still did loads of steps in the garden - so not exactly resting it! I've gone from being 30km ahead on my YVSTY challenge to 20km ahead. I've seen a training program on my running application - I can choose to improve my distance or improve my speed and I am undecided which one to go for. I think I am leaning towards the - improve my speed....
I got lots of advice from the YVSTY group on facebook when I said I had entered my first 10km. Here are some comments:
So - some good advice I think - from others runners.
Well that was a fun bank holiday weekend!!
Ended up having such a good day yesterday! Me and Andy just chatted and drank! Didn't get wasted or anything - but had enough to be quite happy! Stayed in the garden for ages - didn't even get around to putting the BBQ on - too busy having a laugh!
Eventually we came back in at about 8pm and ended up getting take out! We need to sort that out! Should have a delivery today - its Hello Fresh - so we get all the ingredients and recipes for 3 meals. Got it at half price which was £17ish. So at full price a bit too expensive I think! Unless it is totally awesome...but I'm not expecting much. But - we would spend that on one take-out and if it stops us getting take-outs and it gives us variety...we'll see!
Took me quite a while today to clear us the weekends mess - loads of stuff in the garden - around the bar - in the living room after the take-out. But its all done now! I have a choice today - could go to the tip and get rid of the asbestos and the rest of the crap in the car. Or - I could strip wall paper - or - I could have an easy day!
I NEED TO START STICKING TO MY DIET I am fed up of going up and down and up and my weight loss since january - which is quite a long time ago now - is 8lb. It has been 11lb - then back down again. With all the running I am doing, I could be quite successful if I could behave myself as far as food and alcohol is concerned!
Oh - I have entered a 10km race...10th June 2018. I got nervous pangs just typing that! It's silly because I know I can run 10km. But I need to get some more training in for it. At the moment I'm struggling with a bad blister on my foot and need to let it heal a bit. I didn't run over the last few days - but still did loads of steps in the garden - so not exactly resting it! I've gone from being 30km ahead on my YVSTY challenge to 20km ahead. I've seen a training program on my running application - I can choose to improve my distance or improve my speed and I am undecided which one to go for. I think I am leaning towards the - improve my speed....
I got lots of advice from the YVSTY group on facebook when I said I had entered my first 10km. Here are some comments:
- Find a hill about 100yds long and once a week run up it and walk back down 6-8 times. Do a halfish mile warm up and at least halfish mile cool down
- Proper sneakers & socks are IMPORTANT!! Be sure to stop by your local run shop to ask about the best socks: often blisters are nixed when the right socks AND right sneaks are worn
- You will be fine. Maybe run a 5k as fast as you can to build up speed a bit, but you got the endurance. The adrenaline of a race gets you going too. Have fun!
- U have 1 month... try 7, 8 miles for endurance training and 4,5 miles for speed... hill workouts if possible...
- If you're already doing it once a week, you're going to do great!
- Are you close enough to the course to run it at least once?
- Try to get longer runs in. I found the more miles I put in a week, the faster/easier my shorter runs/races get. I’m changing my thinking on how I want to get ready for my half in November
So - some good advice I think - from others runners.
Monday, 7 May 2018
Gorgeous day...
Well....decided to start my day in the garden cutting the grass on the other side of the garden....3 hours later....was not happy! Shouldn't be so much work but grass had got long....had to empty it after one length....again....mansion problems! Now have Malibu and coke but it's nearly 3pm! Feel like I've wasted the day! Plus was supposed to be relaxing and according to my fitbit I've walked nearly 10km and burnt 800 calories!
Sunday 6th May 2018
Woke up and Helen and Pauls at about 8am - Andy was up early too - so we decided to get back home to spend time in the garden as the weather was awesome!!!
We nipped to Asda to get some BBQ stuff - and headed home! Was greeted at the front door by lots of feathers - and a leg and bit of internal organ - so cats had fun!
We got sorted - emptied dishwasher etc (cleaned up what remained of dead bird) and then headed into the garden! - cut half the lawn (do the other half tomorrow!) and got the BBQ on - had the best burger ever - and then we were full! lol. We played Smite which is a game with wooden blocks numbered 1-10 - you have to throw another wooden block at them and its the first to get to 50 points. I was rubbish lol.
We chilled and enjoyed the day - ending by playing cards. At about 7pm we came in and chilled in front of the TV and was falling asleep by midnight! A great day in the sun however. Supposed to be the same tomorrow! :-)
This is the game Smite
Saturday, 5 May 2018
sat 5th May 2018
Woke up early - and I'm all ready for the park run. Well...I'm ready but worried - I seem to have a painful hip, blister on my foot, some kind of pull in my calf muscle and the same in my thigh. The sensible thing would be to miss it today, but I'm hoping I'll be okay once I start running!
I covered in cats right now - I need to get them off, get my trainers on - and get going! Always nervous....hate that! see you later!
Well - the run was tough - had about 4 rests - but must have run faster because my official time was 32:14 - so beat my time again! Very pleased about that because I beat my time from the 5km Bushy park race I did a few years ago - and that killed me! Think my time then was 32:22, so i must be the best I've ever been and there is still lots of room for improvement.
Its bank holiday weekend and the weather is supposed to be really nice. It certainly is today!
We went into taunton and Andy got an eye test - and I would have gone shopping but I forgot my bank cards (they were in the washing machine - in the pocket of my running top!)
About 3pm we headed off to Helen and Pauls for this festival. However, we learnt that they couldn't go until later on because Zack was out and he was needed to babysit Eloise. So we sat chatting and burning in the garden. Me, Andy and paul were having a drink but helen wasn't because she had to drive to pick up Zack. Eventually she went and got zack and paul made helen a cocktail consisting of double vodka, topped up with prosecco. She knocked this back and then he made her another which she put in bottle to take with her. We then got a taxi into Paignton and got a pint of cider each and headed into a large tent where cover bands were on - covering Thin Lizzy and then ACDC. It wasn't long before we realised Helen was WASTED!!! She could barely stand! She insisted we got right at the front to see the band - but then me and Paul were making sure she didn't fall over. We saw about 4-5 songs and then left the tent because helen was so wrecked. We had to leave! Don't think anybody was massively disappointed - and I was too concerned about getting her home! On the way to the kebab shop/taxi rank - we had to go over the railway tracks and the alarm started going off and the barriers were coming down - and Helen and Paul (Paul was quite drunk too) decided to run across! Me and Andy couldn't believe they did that! People get killed doing that! They then laughed at us from the other side because we had to walk up and over the bridge! Drunken fools! LOL
In the taxi on the way back we were chatting to the woman driver from Leeds whilst trying to ignore Helen who obviously wanted to be sick! We got home okay and Helen went straight to bed - and I followed not long after because I didn't want the next day to be a right-off!
It is a good job Helen does not read this blog because she'd kill me for posting these pics.....
Friday, 4 May 2018
Friday - Yay
Well, Andy had the day off today - so that means I get the day off and don't have to feel guilty about not stripping wallpaper off!! So - I drove to Tesco - and went for a run - around the park run route. According to my watch I did 5km in 32.35 - then carried on for another 1km. A few weeks ago - I'd have been really happy with this time - but I can't seem to break through it and get quicker. I wasn't on best form to be honest - hip still bugging me and have that blister on my foot.
Park run is tomorrow and I'm going to have the same problems.....but I'm going to try! I then went in Tesco for a few bits - sweating!!
Since then all I have done is lounge in the bath and chat to Lissa on messenger!
Oh I should mention that last night was probably the first time I have ever beat Andy at pool - I've won games - but last night I won the most games! I've definitely got a bit better. He wants revenge tonight! I am now typing one-handed as Merky is paddy-pawing on my hand and licking me!
Andy brought me a Prosecco with vodka and elderflower - its yummy but I think it is a ploy because I get rubbish at pool when I get squiffy!
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Thursday 3rd may 2018
Hi Lissa - hehehe - only person that reads this - apart from me in a few years time when this might seem interesting!
I feel in a good mood today - maybe because the sun is out! Got up as soon as I woke up - because I knew the gardeners would be here and I didn't want Chloe knocking on the door needing to pee - and me answering the door in my dressing gown again!
I went out and chatted with her, I really like her and we always end up laughing. She is the kind of person I'd like as a friend - but I'd be a bit weird saying - will you be my friend? I should take a leaf out of Yvonne's book - she sees someone she'd like as a friend and manages to squeeze herself into their life (which is a good thing - not a criticism - not that I think she'd ever read this LOL). However, Chloe was talking to me about going to Yoga - Katie louise Yoga (I need to look it up), she goes on a Tuesday night. When I did my back in a couple of months ago the osteopathe said I should take up yoga because all I do is running. As I am struggling to walk with pain in my hips so I might give it a go. I ran 5.6km on the running machine last night and really struggled with various bits that hurt - although mainly my hips. In the evenings after I have run - if I sit down for a bit, when I get up I'm like a 90 year old shuffling around.
So - the only thing I HAVE to do today is to get the kittens to the vets for their next injection. That is at 2.30pm. I have also told Andy I'll get him some lunch ready at 12.30 - he has exactly half an hour free for lunch and has calls and stuff back-to-back the rest of the day. So I might go out before hand and get a few bits in.
So tough day ahead lol. At the moment I am sat at the kitchen island, writing this and listening to/singing to Sam Smith. However, I can't live with myself if I don't do something useful so I might go and do some washing, put some washing away, change the bedding etc.
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Me and my daughter both write a blog and we can see that some people are reading them - which is nice. However, apart from me reading hers and her reading mine - we are not aware of any other people who read it! I am curious to know who you are! there is just some trawling software or something....
Please say Hi!
Wednesday 2nd May 2018
So....I'm not going to speak about the stupid utility bills today. Trying to put it behind me and just go from here!
As I did not get the asbestos sorted yesterday - I have to do that today. I want to get the rest off the walls - properly bagged up and taken to the tip (which will cost me about £75 to dispose of). Then its done!!
Then I want to get the house all clean and tidy and sort something nice out for food because Andy is back tonight. I am really struggling to come up with ideas for food lately. How do people do it? To think of something nice that they can be bothered to cook? I go through phases of cooking curries from scratch and they are really healthy - but I get fed up of them really quickly.
I'll have to have a scan through recipes and see if I can find inspiration.
This weekend there is some kind of biker festival on in Paignton and Andy and Paul really want to go and have lots of fun and listen to live bands. I am really not sure what I want to do because I am not particularly interested in bands that I don't know...and don't really want to spend all day drinking and eating crap - well that bit does appeal to me but I'm trying to be good!
However, if I don't go and just stay here - then it will be the same as the rest of the week when Andy is working and I am here on my own. We do have the cats to think about so we do have to come home at points.....I am not sure what Helen wants to do either....
I heard them talking about the Pirate festival - on one of the days over the weekend everybody dresses up as pirates - and just drinks and stuff! Weird or what? Guess it would be fun....oohh dilemma............
So - all the asbestos is off, bagged up and is in the car with other rubbish. I have paid £75 online so that I can dispose of it at the tip. My only problem now is that the printer wont work and I need to take evidence....I might be able to do it from my phone....again dilemma - make the effort now or be lazy and wait until tomorrow...
I went our local shop and bought a pie and some carrot cake - about 2 minutes after I got home the pie and half the cake was gone! I was starving!! I have to run today now cos that was way too many calories - but it is going to take ages until I don't feel so full of food! It is now about 3 and a half hours since I ate all that food and I still feel full....guess I'm just going to ave to put up with it while i run. I don't know how much running I'll get done because if this blister on my foots starts to hurt I'll have to stop. Only one way to find out......
Oh! So my brother Andrew and his wife Lorna are expecting another baby! He told Me, helen, Joanne, Antony and our cousin Clare in a group message today. I know that me Helen and joanne already knew because Mum told us! hahahaha I can write this on here because I know none of them read it! Otherwise I'm in trouble! So - the baby is due in November! This will be their 2nd together but Andrew has twins from a previous relationship. He has custody however, so they'll be a family of four children! Some people just don't know when to quit! lol
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Tuesday 1st may 2018
(only read this is you are prepared to be bored)
Well, a quiet start to the day...but I'm not happy! Yesterday I got a letter from the Gas company saying that they need to check the meter reading as the bill is higher than expected! On the phone to them now - constantly on hold....the bill Jan-April is £1277.97, however, Nov to Jan was £250. Trying to get them to explain this to me is impossible. I was on hold for ages, so I could speak to somebody about the detail, and eventually the same person came back and said - yeah it is right, we will send out the bill. I said - so why this, and why that etc. and she can't answer it! Wasn't that why I was on hold for ages so that I could discuss it???
Now I'm on hold again....
Either way we are going to owe a lot of money! So the upshot is - they have no record of the arrangement that they were calling me back to arrange a new tariff, and funnily enough they have no phone number on record for me. We have to pay £1277. Great our budget money is down by a lot! So it seems, then when we have the heating on a lot it averages out at about £18 per day - plus whatever other charges they stick on. Guess next winter we'll be investing in thermal underwear, jumpers and gloves! I intend never to put the heating on again. Or use hot water!!
So, its now half one and I've done nothing other than mess about with gas/electric, call ppl, look for reference numbers, look for a cheaper supplier, and eat cheese and onion on toast!
Okay the day got worse - decided to try and sort out my electricity supplier as I cannot get any details from my online account and they don't seem to be taking any notice of my meter hour later - I owe £1,040 - I have sent a long letter of complaint about how bad they have been...
REAL mansion problems.
Got renewal on home insurance via an email - taking the piss! So now sorted that out with another company.
What a crap, boring, expensive day that has done nothing but piss me off!!
I apologise if you have wasted any of your day reading this. It's 4.30pm all I have done is this crap. Hate being an adult sometimes.
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