So the last couple of weeks I've done nothing on the house. Its been too hot and to be honest I don't know what to focus on. It's the first time I've experienced not knowing what to do with myself. Having this problem with my foot doesn't help! I miss running!! I have just been chatting with Helen online - and saying I'm being lazy and getting myself into a rut - and Andy is working away a lot too so I don't have anybody to talk to. I realise that I need to get myself focused and start doing something constructive - on the house, with my fitness, with my diet and cooking and making the effort. I need a plan so I am going to work on that!
So - changing the subject - I got up the other morning - came downstairs about 8.30am - came into the kitchen - and looked down towards the cats and in my periphery vision - something from above came right at me - and I just swore quite loudly and ran out of the kitchen!! I popped my head back in - and there was a green woodpecker flying about!! The cats must have brought it through the cat flap and let it go. It looked uninjured.
I went and got Andy - and we got the cats out and opened the window - but it was just flying about - hitting itself on the walls and ceiling - and not seeming to see the open window! Eventually it came to a stop on the top of the kitchen unit - and then disappeared down the back - where the fitted oven is! Andy had to get on calls then - so there was nothing I could do! I'd hear it every now and again trying to get out but it was stuck! At one point it start woodpecking on the back of the unit!! Eventually - about 6pm - Andy could help - and we got the oven out - it was clinging to the back of it.
I tried to get hold of it - but it flew out - and started its erratic flight around the room again!
Then - it went on top of the units again and disappeared down the back of the freezer! It was stressful! not fun!
We realised that it had gone all the way down the back and was in the bottom - behind the kick board
In the end - we left the room because we couldn't get it out - then after a while I popped my head in - it was on the floor and must have spotted the window and flew straight out! woo hoo - lots of high-fiving followed by a brandy! hahah
So....on Saturday we had Taunton Fake festival. We went last year with Helen & Paul and Connor & Emily. This year was just H&P. We walked there - the weather was good - unlike last year where it was lovely and then torrential rain - then lovely - then rain again! The best band was Pink - by far - and U2 were good too! We had a good time!
We walked back - had some food and stuff and got to bed! I woke up feeling quite blurg as we had had quite a bit to drink!!
This week Andy is away Mon-Thurday night - and I expected to be on my own all week but Yvonne called on Monday - and I said I was going swimming - she had the day off as she had been for an interview that morning to become a Magistrate! So - she came over and came swimming with me. First time I've been swimming in ages - fancied it after going with my folks in Cirencester. Afterwards we came back for coffee - and she ended up staying! We had food and played pool and talked LOADS! lol - we didn't go to bed until 3.30am! She is looking great! She had a gastric bypass operation in March - she was 25 stone and is now 18 stone-something, and you can really see the difference!
So....that's it for now!