I didn't go to bed until 3am last night so I set my alarm for 11am, and was wide awake at 9am! So no doubt I'll be tired later. I did try and get back to sleep but my PT texted me to remind me that we have a PT session later today at 12.30pm, and he asked me if I had been training this week. For a change I was able to say yes! I did a step class and followed his 'program' 3 times in the last week. I texted this back to him and waited for my "well done" reply...I'm still waiting. I get the impression he is not really that bothered, or impressed!
I have only had 2 sessions with this personal trainer - I have never fancied PT before, but I have been going to the gym for a couple of years and I'm not really achieving anything but injuries, so when I hopped off the running machine (mid-run) a few weeks ago, after hearing a 'pop' in my calf and he was there to stretch it out and 'sell' his services...I thought, what the hell! I'll give it a go.
I nearly threw up after our first session and could barely walk for a few days afterwards, or move my arms - then the last session was a bit easier...then there is today. Now he knows I have been training this week my betting is that he will make it harder still! He promised me I could lose over a stone by the time I go to Egypt in 12 weeks (now 11 weeks) but that was dependant on eating healthy and not drinking wine as well as the exercise - and I've failed up to now on that part.
I also have a pool session tonight for the scuba diving training...my boss at work is also the trainer, so its not good that I have to get in touch and admit that I lost the directions he kindly printed out as I don't know where the garage is where I have to meet him (to pick up some of the diving gear to take to the pool). Its also NOT good that I have to get into a swimming costume in front of my boss!
The worse news today is that it is the last of my 5 days off. Tomorrow I have to work from 2pm until midnight, then Friday and Saturday 3pm until 1am, then 2pm until midnight again on Sunday. Then I get two days off before I do 3 days earlies. I can handle the late's but the earlies kill me I HATE them!! At the end of every month I get 5 days off which is brilliant - but they go so quickly!
The kids today: girl twin - wants money for clothes, and has obviously assumed she is going to get it as she has already arranged to go shopping with her friends and I risk a major hormonal strop if I refuse (but she can pay me back); boy twin, has been out skating the last few days and desperately needs to get some revision done - that is guaranteed to a strop as soon as I mention it! Eldest boy - sent me a text to tell me he had got a tattoo on his ribs - a Chinese symbol. I got a picture of it and nearly fell off my chair as I assumed it would be the size of a few coins - not the size of a child's arm!! What can I do though - he is 18 and in the Army, he doesn't ask my permission any more! As you will see the picture has been added.
Anyway - better do something productive (like washing) before the gym!
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