Friday 27 April 2018

FriYAY - nicked that off my daughter!


Well....yesterday, the guy came to fit the smart meter and took one look at out 3 phase electricity feed, and declared himself not qualified...

I tried to steam the wallpaper off the walls and it would last about 8 minutes before cutting out, then took an hour before I could turn it back on again!  I cut the grass (the mower worked!) but had to stop before I finished because of rain.  Grass looks like its had half a hair cut!

I ran 5km on the running machine and tried out my new trainers.  They were fine.  I am now 24.5km head on my YVSTY challenge (1018 km in a year).  I think my total is 346km so far...

Weight loss is back at 9.5lb loss.  I can live with that.  Just need to keep it going in that direction - I have another 22lb to lose! I think I'll start feeling better after another 10lb or so...I should start fitting in my clothes again by then!

So today - I can pick up my asbestos safety equipment from about midday...overalls, goggles and mask.  So - I'll do some more wallpaper stripping until then.  I was dreaming last night that our plasterer (Ray) had fitted amazing bathrooms in a our house (not this house, but an amazing big house!) and I was really pleased, but was very worried as we had not agreed a price and he'd just gone ahead and done it.  In my dream I was complaining to Lissa that it may have blown all the money we had left and he should have agreed it first - he heard me and so I was telling him to his face...its AMAZING but.....

This obviously shows that I am worried about the work we have left to do and the lack of money!  We are a few grand short to finish the annex....and I really want to finish it! Paul has offered to help us fit the bathroom ourselves to save some money - and I think we could do it.  That will save some money - but until I get rid of this asbestos and strip the walls we can't move on.

Did I mention yesterday that we got the permission we need to fit the new external door? Well, we have and that's another expense - getting a door made and the doorway put in....having to arrange that would have frightened the life out of me before we moved here, but I've arranged and completed so many projects in this house, i know that everything can get done - you just need money!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha, made me laugh that you used FriYAY! 24.5km ahead is so awesome, well done!
    Also, stop fretting about the money.. at the end of the day (maybe not this day though) you will eventually get the work done and you'll always survive with what money you’ve got! Just enjoy it. One day the house will be finished and you'll be twidding your thumbs!
