I can't find any pics of after we moved in - but this is what it is looking like so far...
Changing the lights makes a huge difference!!
It has been hard work - first tons and tons of cables came out - telephone and internet stuff....then lots of holes to fill. Then the carpet came up - then another carpet which was glued down - that wasn't easy to get up!! Then ply board was screwed down - and all the screws were filled with glue - so now it is just floor boards which I am going to try and get decent! That won't be easy as there are signs of woodworm, holes in some of the boards, big gaps between boards and some have been stained with some kind of waxy varnish paint stuff. They are original Georgian - so are over 200 years old so I am going to try my best to bring them back to life! I have until just next weekend to get the room livable, because all the kids are visiting and one of them needs to stay in there!! I am confident it will be done - other than the floor that I am doing last.
I have ordered a huge rug, with matching smaller one for in front of the fire, I have ordered red chairs too. I am hoping this room has a little designer feel to it - as I've gone for colours a bit different and matching purple and red....we'll have to see how it ends up!! When all 3 rooms are done - it will be a massive transformation - from the pic you can see at the top of the page! I'm excited - and hope that if I get the job they wont want me to start for ages!!
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