Tuesday 5 January 2021

Lockdown number 3



So last night Boris announced that England is now going into is 3rd lockdown.  Scotland and I think Wales have already made this decision.  Figures are currently worse than last April when we had the first lockdown - re cases, more people in hospital - not as many deaths because many infected people are younger and care homes etc. have much more protection now.

This doesn't really affect us much to be honest because we were not really leaving the house anyway - certainly wasn't going to pubs and restaurants.  This lockdown looks like it is going to be for at lest 6 weeks, and during this time most vulnerable people should get the vaccine.

More than 1,000,000 are currently infected in the UK - 1 person in every 50.  

I used to put all the daily figures in this blog - this is the last one I did....

Tuesday 9 June
Total world cases: 7,208,064 -------------------69, 594 increase
Total fatalities: 410,732-----------------------2,593 increase
UK total: 289,140 -------------------------------1,741 increase 
UK Fatalities: 40,883---------------------------286 increase

here is todays (without the daily increase numbers)

Total world cases: 86,549,352
Total fatalities: 1,871,620
UK total cases: 2,774,479
UK fatalities: 76,305

What a difference! I remember the UK government predicting that if we only had 20,000 deaths we'd be lucky - and thinking 20,000!! It is now over 76,000 and rising and not that far off 2 million worldwide deaths.  Not only that but lots of people are suffering from long term effect of the virus.

I still think that this virus is man made - maybe one day we will find out.

In other news - in November Trump was voted out and Joe Biden won the American election.  Trump has acted like a spoilt child saying he actually won and cheating has been going on.  Strange that - many people were accused and convicted of cheating in the year that he got in!  Biden takes over on 20th January 2021 - I can't wait to see him kicking and screaming as people drag him out of the white house.  He never stops surprising me with the stupid things that he says - he has recently been recorded trying to get Georgia to alter the figures so that it looks like he won.  I bet if I go onto CNN right now I'll find some other story of his ridiculousness...it is a daily thing.

Anyway - I have nothing else to say because all I have done today is work from home - although I did go out to collect a signed statement and because we are not back on keto - Andy came with me and we got a drive-thru mac donalds lol.

Very soon I'm going to try and get my sh*t together and go back on keto - and we are in the middle of moving our gym into what was our dining room - that never got used! I got andy a water rower for xmas so we need to get that put together and I need to order a new monitor for the running machine as that has broken...then all I need to do is actually start using it!

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