Saturday 6 February 2021

A little tired and hungover!


So....I just read back over my last blog - which I forgot to post - maybe I hadn't finished? anyway it is mainly talking about Trump....he has left now thankfully...and his impeachment trial is ongoing - but he wont get found guilty....

So England went into the 3rd Lockdown on 6th Jan 2021 (I think that was the date) and it is now 6th Feb 2021 and I down think the lockdown will be lifted until March.  We still have high daily death rates and people in hospital.  The vaccine is being rolled out - think they have moved from the over 80's to the over 70's.  People in care homes have had the vaccination too.  My mum and Andy's parents have had it, as well as Helen and Paul because they work for the NHS....don't think me and Andy will get it until May - and because i am not 50 until May - I could miss out on the over 50's if it comes to us before then.  I'm a bit nervous about it - hate needles! Also some people get quite ill - but I don't really care, I'd rather feel a little safer having had it!

The UK is now at 111,264 - so well over 100,000 cases - the new variant didn't help being so much more contagious. We have been over 1,000 cases a day and too many days.... Hopefully the vaccines will start to have an effect soon.  People have been living with this for almost a year now and life has just changed so very much.  Seems like such a distant memory being able to just get together with people - go out shopping, go for a meal or a night out.  How we took it all for granted!

Last Friday, I decided to get dressed up - by that I mean - but actual normal clothes on rather than lounge wear! I did my hair and put some make-up on and got Connor and Andy to make an effort too - they were more than happy to join in - then we had a games night - we called it our night out, in.  We did the same again last night - hence why I'm a bit delicate today!  We have a really good time with Connor - we all have a good laugh and play pool!  Everything has been a lot more fun lately, partly, or maybe mostly, because Connor moved in, but partly I think, because I am enjoying work a lot more - I've changed my hours and am working Mon/Tues Thurs/Fri and work longer days so I get Wednesday's off.  Also - Andy has started to get interviews and the market seems to be improving.

I still can't wait though until we can start to get back to 'normal' or at least having the kids come around with all the babies!!  They wont be babies when I see them though they are all growing up so fast!!

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